Pet Names for Pets


Pet names for pets. I can almost feel you raising your eyebrows, but don’t judge, I know you do it too.

I have a rabbit called Megan AKA Megan Pie, Bunnkins, Megsie, and occasionally, fluffy bum.

There is also Harry the Pusscat, pusskins, doodlebug, or Harry doodle.  If he’s been bad Harold.

I would love to hear your pets pet names, if only to make me feel saner.

Cats and laser pointers- Overrated

Now before you boo me off stage I want to state my case.

We bought a laser pointer for our cat and, for a moment, it was the best thing since sliced bread.

He’d chase it like mad then, like a kid with a new toy, he got bored of it. He realised he couldn’t catch it and so he gave up.

Which is why we switched to the most high tech toy we could find.

A piece of string.


As you can see this yields brilliant results and we get this result time and time again.

So if you’re thinking of investing in a laser pointer, get a piece of string instead.

How they act- Dogs VS Cats (Happy Caterday)

1. Spotting a stranger or strange object

Dog- There’s a thing! OMG human there’s a thing!

Yes I know you know what it is, but I’m going to tell you that it’s there really loudly until you tell me off, then I’m going to feel bad.

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